20th July 2021 Minutes

Minutes Riseholme  Parish Council Meeting 20th July 2021



Cllr Foster (Chairman)

Cllr Diver.

Cllr Scarborough

Cllr Andrews



Matt Bagley

Lizzie Wells


Cllr Brockway


D. Bull


C.Emerson  Parish Clerk




Item No





 Cllr White, Cllr McNeill and Cllr Harrison



Declaration of Interests.

There were no further declaration of interest than those declared on an annual basis



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 25th May 2021

It was proposed by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Scarborough to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Resolved all in favour.










 Councillor and Clerk’s Report

Cllr Brockway  reported:-

Nettleham Parish Councillor Richard Porter had set up a working group to look at the crossing over the A46 particularly following the road works. It was agreed that Riseholme Parish Council would contact Cllr Porter and see what could be done to have a similar solution.


There was an increase in complex cases which resulted in litigants in person potentially losing a lot of money.


Central Government was liaising with the County Council over unification.

Finances at WLDC and the County were in a good state. WLDC were in discussion with the Government over VAT reclaims.


Clerk report:-

A new computer had been purchased and was sent up which had made a great deal of difference.






 Payments since last Meeting


The Clerk confirmed that there had been no expenditure since last meeting.


Balance   £5875.00


It was proposed to accept the balance

by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Andrews

 Resolved All in favour.











Planning Application

None outstanding






Central Lincolnshire Local Plan

The draft plan had been circulated which was to up date the current Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.

It was agreed that the housing allocation remained as previously. The policies in relation to Green Space and Green Wedge were important and should be strengthened as much as possible as it was now realised the importance of green open space for everyone’s wellbeing.

The policies in relation to Riseholme Campus remained unchanged with the campus in open countryside and St Georges Lane and Riseholme Lane having hamlet status.

A consultation response would be sent in with the views of the Parish Council

















2021/ 24

Insurance Renewal

The clerk confirmed that the insurance would be renewed as appropriate. The insurance brokers always got the best deal.






It was agreed by all that the Noticeboard needed changing or repairing. The clerk raised that she had been in contact with Pelican Trust and they would do the work. The cost of a refurbishment might make it more cost effective to have a whole new board. Cllr Foster would contact them.









Cllr Foster


Campus Access

Matt Bagley advised that the University had considered and understood the request. Therefore, plans were being formulated for a circular walk around the perimeter of the campus. They would have discussions with LCC and WLDC about the walk around the edge of the field on Riseholme Lane as this would need permission. However, the section of the walk through the woods maybe opened promptly. The Parish Council thanked them for their offer and looked forward to it being opened. The University were anxious about access through the campus as there were security concerns but they would consider open  days.



University Update

Matt Bagley introduced Lizzie Wells who was his assistant and would be seen around the campus. She was welcomed by everyone.

Matt Bagley advised that the University were now in the forefront of research particularly in horticulture.

They had various private companies now present on site who were investing heavily in research projects. These industry partners needed a safe space.

Research covered inter alia  mechanised harvesting, insect analysis.

Although fields looked unused they were being utilised for world leading experiments.

Riseholme Campus was now attracting high level investment which was excellent news.

The Parish Council asked if there could be open days, particularly around the anniversary of the listing and some signage which explained the work. This was thought potentially very helpful as it would inform everyone of the scale of the research that was happening.







The meeting closed. Next Meeting Tuesday 21st September 2021.



Signed as a true record    ………………………………..       (Chair )


Date .………………………