21st September 2021


Minutes Riseholme Parish Council Meeting 21st September 2021



Cllr Foster (Chairman)

Cllr Scarborough

Cllr Andrews



Matt Bagley

Lizzie Wells

Alex Foxley Johnson



D. Bull

Martin and Tina Finney

Richard Smith



Carl Knight

Hayley Sylvester

Elaine Moss



Mr and Mrs Green

Nigel and Lyn Brumby


C.Emerson  Parish Clerk




Item No





 Cllr White, Cllr McNeill, Cllr Diver and Cllr Harrison



Declaration of Interests.

There were no further declaration of interest than those declared on an annual basis



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20th July  2021

It was proposed by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Andrews to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Resolved all in favour.










 Councillor and Clerk’s Report

Cllr White had provided a written report






 Payments since last Meeting


The Clerk confirmed the following expenditure:-

Clerk’s salary

Laptop and set up £469.00

Liability Insurance £218.00


Grant received £500.00 from Councillor Fund for Laptop


Cllr Andrews Proposed to accept the expenditure. Seconded by Councillor Scarborough.

Resolved All in Favour


Balance   £5688.00


It was proposed to accept the balance

by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Andrews

Resolved All in favour.



There was a discussion on the future needs of the Parish. There was a requirement for a Noticeboard, however there was a healthy surplus so it was proposed by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Andrews to apply for £2000.00.

Resolved All in Favour











Planning Application

None outstanding







Cllr Foster reported that he had received a quote from the Pelican Trust for the new Noticeboard for £685.00 plus VAT. There would be an extra cost to fix it and remove the old.

It was agreed there needed further discussions on where it should be sited.

The design was approved. Cllr Andrews proposed to go ahead and purchase the new Noticeboard. Seconded by Cllr Scarborough.

Resolved All in favour


















2021/ 35

Broadband Connection

Hayley Sylvester and Carl Knight did a Quickline broadband presentation

Quickline not only did “line of sight” connection but also fibre. They would plot out an area and apply the best method available to the properties.

However, it needed community engagement and a sufficient community response to make it viable.

Mr Green expressed and interest in having it in Burton Village. Mr and Mrs Brumby expressed an interest in having it in Grang de Lings.

Quickline confirmed that they would be in contact with how to engage with residents. Richard Smith confirmed that he had leafleted but the response had been low and more information was needed as to what the company could offer. The University offered facilities for a presentation event.

Quickline agreed to be in contact with the Clerk.




A15/A46 Roundabout

It was reported that it was thought that approval was being given to a bridge over A46 at Nettleham so there would not be a similar facility at Riseholme. It was agreed to monitor the situation.












Matt Bagley introduced Alex Foxley Johnson  who would take over the bio diversity at Riseholme Campus. Alex presented her approach  of improving the natural environment at Riseholme. This was welcomed. It was hoped that there would be walks and events making the area more welcoming.


The Sport’s pitches were now reinstated following the end of the experiments


Lawress Hall was now owned by the University.


Lambing Sunday was to be on 6th March 2022.





It was reported that Carol by Candle Light would be on 19th December 2021.






The meeting closed. Next Meeting Tuesday 25th January 2022.



Signed as a true record    ………………………………..       (Chair )


Date .………………………