24 September 2019

Minutes Riseholme  Parish Council Meeting 24th September 2019



Cllr Foster (Chairman)

Cllr E.Diver.

Cllr Scarborough

Cllr Harrison


Councillor McNeill

Councillor Brockway


Tina and Martin Finney


C.Emerson  Parish Clerk


Item No





 Cllrs Andrews and Cllr White



Declaration of Interests.

There were no further declaration of interest to declare than those declared on an annual basis



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 10th July 2019

Actions Arising:-

Millbeck Drive

As it was not a through road it was not thought that any speed restrictions would be possible . However it was agreed that the Clerk should contact the Road Safety Partnership to see if they had a solution.


It was proposed by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Scarborough to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Resolved all in favour.










 Councillor and Clerk’s Report


Cllr White

She provided a comprehensive written report which was presented by Cllr Foster


Cllr McNeill


He confirmed that Gainsborough Old Hall position was being considered as it was not financially viable for the County Council to continue.


Heritage funding had been received to look to restore some of the buildings in the centre of Gainsborough.


He was currently attending various national and local conferences to consider future strategies.


Gainsborough Crematorium was on target and once opened should make an impact and improve the services offered.


In response to concerns on vehicle damage on Riseholme Lane raised by Cllr Diver he contact Marc Jones Lincoln Police


There was a budget windfall from the business rate for WLDC.


Cllr Brockway


The synopsis on the front of Council papers from various members gave a good insight into the business of the County Council.


The issues regarding the Health Visitors was hopefully resolved.


The peer review had gone down well.






















 Payments since last Meeting

The Clerk presented the financial accounts  since the last meeting.



26.07.19  WLDC Election Expenses   £  98.93

26.07.19 Came & Co Insurance           £218.00




Balance   £6,014.00


 They were proposed by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Diver. Resolved All in favour.


It was proposed to accept the balance by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Diver Resolved All in favour.




The amount in the account was accepted as adequate however there was the purchase of the Heritage Boards. It was proposed by Cllr Foster and seconded by Cllr Scarborough to keep the precept for 2020-2021 at £2000.00 Resolved All in favour










Planning Application

130743 7 Langdale Close

There were no concerns.



Heritage Trail


Martin and Tina Finney circulate their draft designs. They were complimented for having taken the project this far forward. It was agreed that the next step would be to go to Allen signs and agree the best design and look at pricing. They would also look to commissioning. It was thought if on 27th October 2019 as the anniversary of Private Watson they would look to unveil the signs. Agreed that a meeting date with Allen signs would be circulated.




 Riseholme Parish Church

It was  discussed that due to reducing numbers the church maybe at risk. Cllr Diver agreed to contact the curate.




Cllr Diver


University Update




Date of next meeting was set for Tuesday 21st January  2020

 at 7pm Riseholme Campus.