3 October 2018

Minutes Riseholme  Parish Council Meeting 3rd October 2018



Cllr Foster (Chairman)

Cllr E.Diver.

Cllr R.Andrews

Cllr Harrison

Cllr Scarborough


Councillor White

Councillor Brockway


Tina and Martin Finney

David Stainton

Stephen Brookes

John Scarborough


C.Emerson Clerk


Item No





 Cllr McNeill H. Dowdy



Declaration of Interests.

There were no further declaration of interest to declare than those declared on an annual basis



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting  15th May  2018 It was proposed by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Harrison to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Resolved all in favour.







 Councillor and Clerk’s Report


Cllr White

Her written report  (attached)had been circulated in advance of the meeting.

In addition she raised the publication Nettleham Matters and wondered whether Riseholme would wish to be included. N. Foster to inquire


Cllr Brockway

Highways were an award winning department and it showed. Potholes were now much improved. But the reporting of them should continue as when it was too hot or too cold there could be no action.


Local PCSO officers were to be given extra powers but that was not without concern.


Enforcement had 33000 hours which had a significant effect in the area.


3,000 tonnes of verge waste had gone to recycling , however, it was being considered whether they needed a waste licence.


Steam Punk weekend. The organisers were looking for accommodation and all facilities were being considered.


The Serco contract was being renewed by the Council. Serco had accepted responsibility and would continue for the Council but had lost a lot of money.

Emergency Planning was being looked at and the question was whether Riseholme should join with Nettleham.


Clerk’s report

There was nothing to add that was not on the agenda.



















Planning Applications

The only planning application was Planning No 138403. Any comments to be sent to the Clerk who would respond.











 Payments since last Meeting

The Clerk presented the financial accounts (attached) since the last meeting. They were proposed by Cllr Harrison and seconded by Cllr Scarborough. Resolved All in favour.





All councillors had had an opportunity to consider the budget and agreed that the funds were reasonably healthy but provision had to be made for expenditure such as potentially the Heritage Trail, Therefore, it was proposed by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Scarborough that the precept would remain as at £2000.00 as previous years. Resolved All in Favour











Internet Connection

Stephen Brookes explained that he was responsible for getting Broadband connected. He knew Riseholme was poorly served by cabinet 97 which was too far away. However, Riseholme was reasonably close to the city centre.

The Council was working with BT but the initial plans were having to be remodelled.

There were two long term options, Fibre connection to the cable that ran up the A15 or secondly 5G if Fibre could not happen. He had made a significant achievement that street furniture could be used for 5g.


However, that could take up to 12 months.


In the interim they could have an enhanced 4G connection if there was an existing 4G connection and the fee of £350.00 would be waived. There would be the monthly fee.


There were also grants for businesses.


In 12 months time a resolution would be in place either as a separate area or in conjunction with a larger project.


Stephen was thanked for his kind attendance and we would keep in contact as to progress.








Heritage Trail

Martin Finney confirmed that the contact with the University was now not available. He outlined his proposals. There were to be four boards located with perhaps some supportive sculpture.

The detail on the boards was agreed. Therefore the next step was funding. Cllrs White and McNeill had promised some funding. Cllr White agreed to approach Grant White and send Cllr Initiative Forms. The Woodland Trust was also to be approached for some ideas.

Neil Foster thanked Mr and Mrs Finney for all their hard work. It was hoped to progress through to next stage.













Cllr White. Clerk


Lawress Hall

It was understood that the lease was up in 2021. It was understood that the University owned the land although not the building. Initial talks were progressing with HMRC and a strategy was being formed as to what could be done with the building.










Duke of Edinburgh

Ethan Harrison had been working in the parish picking litter as part of his Duke of Edinburgh Award. His work was fully recognised in the community and a vote of thanks was sent to him from the parish council and would be formally communicated to him.







Date of next meeting was set for Tuesday 29th January  2019 at 7pm Riseholme Campus.