Minutes 24th January 2023



Minutes Riseholme Parish Council Meeting 24th January 2023



Cllr Foster (Chairman)

Cllr Scarborough

Cllr Diver

Cllr Andrews



Matt Bagley

Lizzie Wells




Martin and Tina Finney

Robert Scarborough

Dave Bull

John Barrett

Fraser Brown


District Councillor

Angela White and Jamie Oliver


County Councillor

Jackie Brockway


C.Emerson  Parish Clerk




Item No








Declaration of Interests.

There were no further declarations of interest than those declared on an annual basis



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 20th September 2022

It was proposed by Cllr Foster and seconded by Cllr Diver to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Resolved all in favour.










Councillor Co Option

The clerk reported that a vacancy had arisen due to Cllr Harrison having moved. A notice had been put on the Noticeboard advertising the vacancy but there was no  interest. Cllr Diver proposed Richard Smith who had agreed to be co opted. Seconded by Cllr Andrews. Resolved All in Favour



 Councillor and Clerk’s Report

Cllr White had provided the following information:-

Greater Lincolnshire were looking at a Devolution Bid but not all councils had agreed. However ICB were starting to work on that basis.

West Lindsey District Council, Monitoring Officer was leaving

Nettleham Parish Council were progressing with solar panels.

Cllr Oliver provided the following:-

Grants parameters were out for approval but it was anticipated grants would be available.

Cllr Brockway

The Highways department were working hard on filling in potholes.








 Payments since last Meeting

It was proposed to accept the payments and balance as prepared by S.Diver by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Foster

Resolved All in favour.











Planning Application

144036 Lorry Site

Cllr Foster confirmed that Riseholme Parish Council were supporting Burton Parish Council following resident concerns on the proposed development. Sir Edward Leigh had also voiced his concern following a meeting with him.

There had been a well attended public meeting where the applicants had been asked questions which were not fully answered.

Individual residents were putting in their replies and a petition was being undertaken.

Cllr Brockway confirmed that she had raised this matter with the Lincolnshire County Council Planning Head and they were discussing it. £4million had recently been spent on traffic flow at the roundabout. There was also a question of over supply of these units.

Cllr White confirmed that Nettleham Parish Council had a proposal to object to the application.

Cllr Foster confirmed that Riseholme and Burton Parish Council were jointly looking to instruct planning agents and he proposed that Riseholme fund approximately 1/3 of the bill. It was seconded by Cllr Diver. Resolved All in Favour.

Cllr Foster also referred to the leaflets that had been printed and they needed funding. Cllr Foster proposed the payment for the leaflets Seconded by Cllr Diver Resolved All in Favour





2023/ 08

Broadband Connection

Dave Bull confirmed that he and Richard Smith  had maintained the bi monthly meetings. However, to speed matters they had met with Edward Leigh who strongly supported them. Quickline offered to assist Riseholme and Burton in August 2023 taking approximately 3 months.










The clerk reported that LALC had asked for renewal of their membership. It was proposed by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Scarborough to renew. Resolved All in Favour




Matt Bagley report:-


The gates were being installed but deliberately not wrought iron to permit if necessary emergency direct access by vehicles.

Lawress Hall.

The first occupants should be in by Easter and he offered a Parish Council tour which was welcomed.

International students starting in February and next academic year were high so the University was in a positive position.

However the cost of utilities had increased dramatically, therefore although projects would still be progressed it was much slower.

Therefore, the University were continuing to develop their next 25 year Master Plan for the Brayford and Riseholme campus but it would take time.










Emergency Plan

John Barret raised the Emergency Plan which was covering Nettleham and Minster Fields. Cllr Scarborough was supporting the process and he wanted Riseholme to be part of the plan and it to be the Nettleham Ward Emergency Plan.  Cllr Foster proposed to accept the suggestion which was seconded by Cllr Diver. Resolved All in favour






The meeting closed. Next Meeting Tuesday 16th May  2023.



Signed as a true record    ………………………………..       (Chair )


Date .………………………