Minutes 27th September 2027



Minutes Riseholme Parish Council Meeting 27th September 2023



Cllr Foster (Chairman)

Cllr Diver

Cllr Andrews

Cllr Smith



Matt Bagley



M. Foster


District Councillors

John Barrett  Fraser Brown



C.Emerson  Parish Clerk




Item No





 Cllr Brockway Cllr Scarborough M, Webb J.Shaw



Declaration of Interests.

There were no further declarations of interest than those declared on an annual basis



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 16Th May 2023

It was proposed by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Smith to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Resolved all in favour.










 Councillor and Clerk’s Report

Cllr  Barrett had provided a written report which had been circulated . It was welcomed and considered most informative.

The following points were raised:-


RAF Scampton

Following the service of a Temporary Stop Notice by West Lindsey District Council on The Home Office the actions taken were not sufficient. Therefore, a Stop Notice and Enforcement Notice had been served. It was not clear if this had stopped further work on site. The court hearing would be the final decision maker. It was to go before a planning judge.

The Clerk confirmed that a letter had been sent to The Home Office from Riseholme Parish Council and a reply received which had been circulated.



Potholes should be referred by Fixmystreet . Those in the dip on Riseholme Lane were thought to be potentially on private land not on highway.



The Clerk confirmed that she had reported fly tipping and it was waiting to be collected. Cllr Brown would refer the matter to West Lindsey District Council as it looked like an increasing problem.


Clerk Report

The Clerk reported that there had been a Notice on the field opposite St Georges Lane which was actually in Burton Parish. The Notice was  under The Highways Act 1980 s31(6) and Commons Act 2006 S15A(1). A full reply had been received from Lincolnshire County Council and it was not considered by the Parish Council that any further action could be taken at this time







 Payments since last Meeting

20.03.23 172 C Emerson     Clerk's remuneration                                             xxx

20.03.23 173 A Scarborough/Pelican Trust      Printing of leaflet                   42.00

26.06.23 174 Lincs Assoc of Local Councils      Membership 2022/23           85.44

26.06.23 175 N Foster /NKDCDoc purchase - Local Plan update                   59.85

15.09.23 176 C Emerson     Clerk's remuneration                                           xxx

25.09.23 177 W Lindsey DCElection expenses                                                  94.63




Balance £5,171                           

It was proposed to accept the payments and balance as prepared by S.Diver by Cllr Smith and seconded by Cllr Foster

Resolved All in favour.






S. Diver had prepared a short report identifying the funds available and future expenses.. The budget position was discussed. It was considered appropriate to request the same precept as previous years. Cllr Foster proposed a precept of £2,000.00 seconded by Cllr Andrews. Resolved All in Favour











Planning Application

146613 University of Lincoln demolish modern rear extension roof   repairs and stone repairs . There was no objection


146806  University of Lincoln consent for two advertisement directional signs .There was no objection


146036 Lorry Park No further information had been received. The time extension had been given to end of September 2023 to the applicants. Cllr Barrett to check the position.


147302 University of Lincoln. This was for an animal welfare centre at the farm. There was no objection







2023/ 29

Broadband Connection

Cllr Smith confirmed that it should be ready in January 2024. Meetings were regularly undertaken by D, Bull and himself with various parties. The situation to be monitored.











Matt Bagley report:-


He had invited the meeting to Lawress Hall so the facilities could be seen. The Parish Council thanked Matt and agreed the facilities were impressive.

The University had invested extensively in the building and it was part of the University Masterplan. 750 staff used the building on a flexible working system releasing teaching space at The Brayford Campus. The project would continue to refurbish the Conference Facilities which would provide a revenue stream.

Riseholme Campus was now seen as the jewel in the University Crown. Although it was taking time further positive changes would happen to upgrade the site and make it fit for purpose.

The Parish Council welcomed the use of the site in this manner which had always been their intention and were pleased that their  previous actions had offered this opportunity to Lincoln University.


The University was thriving with a positive intake this year and anticipated for next year. The University attracted students from all over the world. It currently had 18,500 students.


AI and robotic development as well as agri tech and meditech were leading the way.

 Future meetings would be at Riseholme Conference Centre.












The meeting closed. Next Meeting Tuesday 30th January 2024



Signed as a true record    ………………………………..       (Chair )


Date .………………………