Minutes 20th September 2022



Minutes Riseholme Parish Council Meeting 20th September 2022



Cllr Foster (Chairman)

Cllr Scarborough

Cllr Diver

Cllr Andrews



Matt Bagley

Lizzie Wells

Alex Foley-Johnson



Richard Smith

Martin and Tina Finney

Robert Scarborough

Mavis Foster


District Councillor

Angela White


C.Emerson  Parish Clerk




Item No





 Cllr Oliver, Cllr Brockway,



Declaration of Interests.

There were no further declarations of interest than those declared on an annual basis



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 5th July2022

It was proposed by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Diver to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Resolved all in favour.










Councillor Vacancy

The clerk reported that a vacancy had arisen due to Cllr Harrison having moved. A notice had been put on the Noticeboard advertising the vacancy and if there was no initial interest then the position could be filled at the next meeting by co option.



 Councillor and Clerk’s Report

Cllr White had provided the following information:-

Cllr White had read out the proclamation for King Charles 111 on Nettleham Village

The consultation for Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan had closed

Nettleham Parish Clerk had resigned.







 Payments since last Meeting

It was proposed to accept the payments and balance as prepared by S.Diver by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Foster

Resolved All in favour.


The financial accounts as prepared by S Diver were considered. The current balance was considered to be fairly healthy. Therefore, it was proposed by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Scarborough that the precept of £2,000.00 be applied for in the next financial year. Resolved All in favour











Planning Application

145135 Traveller Site

The application was delayed due to an incorrect referencing on the application as to land ownership. A response had been submitted.

145260 Showground Development

A response had been submitted and the planning agent had offered a meeting. It was agreed to accept the offer.

145187 East and West Gate

No objection

145188 Listed Building Consent

No objection

145281 Underground cabling

No objection






2022/ 31

Broadband Connection

Richard Smith confirmed that they had had a meeting with himself Dave Bull and Quickline. It was thought Riseholme would be connected in the 3/4th quarter of 2023. However, a further meeting with Quickline was planned.




Matt Bagley report:-

Lawress Hall was being refurbished and staff were to be relocated from the Brayford Campus.

The University were starting to develop their next 25 year Master Plan for the Brayford and Riseholme campus. They would be separate plans as the needs were very different. There would be genuine consultation with the residents and Parish Council. It would be a large project.


Councillor Foster thanked them all for the recent Campus Tour. It had been well received and it was hoped an annual event.













The meeting closed. Next Meeting Tuesday 24th January 2023.



Signed as a true record    ………………………………..       (Chair )


Date .………………………