10 July 2019

Minutes Riseholme  Parish Council Meeting 10th July 2019



Cllr Foster (Chairman)

Cllr E.Diver.

Cllr Scarborough


Councillor McNeill

Councillor Brockway

Councillor White


Tina and Martin Finney

University Representatives:-

Harvey Dowdy

Lorraine Humphries

David Stainton


C.Emerson  Parish Clerk


Item No





 Cllrs Andrews and Harrison.



Declaration of Interests.

There were no further declaration of interest to declare than those declared on an annual basis



Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 1st May 2019

Actions Arising:-

Cycle Path

Cllr Foster updated that they had received a response from P. Cant from The County Council Highway Department that the street lights were disconnected on the cycle path.


Harvey Dowdy raised the fact that when 70 more people arrived at the campus they would be encouraged to cycle.


 Cllr Brockway said that the duty was to light the road not the footpath. Further, when they widened the roundabout at A46 that would discourage cycling.  The County Council was also, however, encouraging cycling so the policies had to be aligned. It also was noted that the cycle paths vegetation growth should be cut otherwise this was off putting.


 Harvey Dowdy agreed she would contact the County Council and National Cycle Groups to see what could be done.


Cllr Brockway would pursue it from the County Council perspective and suggested that everyone contacted FIX my Street and report the path as a hazard.


Millbeck Drive


Cllr Brockway said she had been and speed bumps were not popular but she would look at the possibility of flashing signs. It was thought their cost was in the region of £2000.00.


It was proposed by Cllr Diver and seconded by Cllr Scarborough to accept the minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting. Resolved all in favour.







 Councillor and Clerk’s Report


Cllr White

She had been on Health Scrutiny Committee and it was hoped that the NHS would be out of special measures.

Skellingthorpe surgery was to close and patients were to go to Saxilby.

Floods were more damaging in the south of the county than the north.

Council Officer Mr Grant White was doing work to improve communications with parishes.

M. Sturgess is due to retire in October.

WLDC Marque had some lovely photos at the Lincolnshire Show.


Cllr McNeill

He was warmly congratulated by all on becoming the Leader of the Council.

He reported he was busy getting to grips with his new job

He had ensured that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had equal party membership.

He was the lead member for Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.


Cllr Brockway

Skellingthorpe Surgery will be closing. There are difficulties in attracting GP’s.

The four CCG’s are merging into one.

WLDC will start a budget consultation.

Heritage Consultation for Usher Gallery is closed. There are very few visitors so that it costs £2000.00 per head. Few proper responses were received.

Supports Giles McNeill very much and is very pleased he is in post.

There was a possibility of a future pedestrian bridge over A46 to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists near the Riseholme roundabaout.






















Planning Applications


Cllr White, Brockway and Cllr McNeil  left the room.


American Barn 139586 There was minor changes to the existing structure which would barely be seen. It was to include a student viewing/teaching area.

Dairy Farm 139667  The University unfortunately had cancelled the planned meeting with the Parish Council on 4th July so the Parish Council had not had sight of the redone plans. The University stated that they had taken on board the comments of the Parish Council and community and had re done the design and access statement.  However, the plans being only just produced it was not possible for the Parish Council to confirm that this was the case. It was to  be white lines not fencing for the path and no cattle grid. The current gates will remain.


The Parish Council were pleased to hear that their comments had been taken on board and would consider the plans in due course. They looked forward to working with the University.












 Payments since last Meeting

The Clerk presented the financial accounts  since the last meeting.



LALC   £82,38

CPRE   £36.00



Balance   £6,567.00


 They were proposed by Cllr Scarborough and seconded by Cllr Diver. Resolved All in favour.




Heritage Trail


Progress had been made and it was agreed that there needed to be a further meeting with the University to agree final designs so that the next stage of costing the project could be reached. A meeting to be set up with the University.










University/ M.Finney



The cycle path had been fully discussed earlier so there was nothing further to add.



University Update

Harvey Dowdy had outlined the planning applications. David Stainton agreed to re arrange the campus walk and would send out a new date





D. Stainton






Central Lincolnshire Local Plan

The proposed response to the consultation had been circulated. It was proposed by Cllr Foster and seconded by Cllr Diver that it would be submitted. Resolved All in favour

It was noted that Riseholme Parish Council could not trace receiving a consultation request. Cllr McNeill said he was raising the consultation exercise with the appropriate department to ensure it was working.


Date of next meeting was set for Wednesday 24th September 2019 at 7pm Riseholme Campus.